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Evolution Critique   51 comments


Please note; There never has, and never will be, an evolutionary jump, gradual or otherwise, from one genetic ‘kind’ to another!

I know that probably isn’t what you’ve been taught, or what the general media promotes, but I truly believe reasonable people will at least have serious doubts after considering some factual evidence.

For example; there has never been, nor ever will be, a ‘beneficial’ mutation!

Think about it; mutations, animal or vegetable, always result in degradation of some kind. Mutations simply do not result in improvements, period. In simple terms a mutation is a damaged DNA gene, causing defects or illness. And even though the theory of evolution dictates there has to have been millions of them to produce some significant change in life forms, there is simply no evidence this ever happened, not even one, except in science fiction such as ‘Mutants’ movies!

On the other hand there’s a a very natural and normal process called ‘entropy’! Entropy is literally the breaking down to ‘disorder’ from something that is ‘ordered’. This applies to inanimate objects as well as animate (living) cells. Think about what would happen to your car if you were to park it in a farmers field and do nothing to it for years. In time it would deteriorate and eventually be reduced to little more than basic elements.

With living cells the same natural process is simply called aging (or ageing).  Remember the Eagles song ‘All We Are Is Dust In The Wind’? Even better stated in scripture; “For dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3:19)

The same principle applies to any living creature born with an abnormality, not withstanding the help of modern medical science. A defect will not and cannot be an improved version of any particular kind, much less be a ‘stepping stone’ to becoming an entirely ‘different’ kind of creature!

Indeed, all biological creatures, human or animal age, (atrophy) and die, returning to dust just the same as physical objects eventually do.

This is science fact, not fiction, and it cannot be ignored.  Yet that is what is done by those advocating evolution.

To further demystify this theory; within the dog ‘family’, there are a great variety of animals, all related, from foxes to wolves to jackals and coyote’s, besides a countless number of domestic dog’s.  Great diversity within the dog family for sure, and all genetically linked. Yet at no time has a ‘dog kind’ of animal ever been a ‘bird kind’, a ‘fish kind’, or an ‘insect kind’ of creature, or vice versa, except in human imagination!

This must not be confused with the well proven capability of most life forms to adapt to environmental conditions, so please ‘read my lips’….

‘Adaptation is not evolution!’  It simply does not result in a stepping stone or so-called big jump change to a different family kind of creature!

A good example is Darwin’s own observation of Finches. He noted there was a change in the size and shape of bird beaks as they ‘adapted to different food sources‘. But that ‘natural adaptation’ does not begin to support evolutionary changes from a bird kind of creature to some other kind!

Variations in each ‘family kind’ are often confused by the human designation of ‘species’.  For example a wolf and a fox terrier may be regarded as different species, as categorized by anthropologists etc, but that does not make them different ‘family kinds’ of animal.  The same is true of black or gray squirrels, varieties of moths, or even the 10,000 ‘species’ of birds!

In other word, differentiating creatures as different species does not necessarily separate them genetically, they may simply be a member of their own ‘family kind’. Describing animals within each ‘family kind’ as different ‘species’ merely tends to obfuscate reality.*  Separation of family kinds by this arbitrary and often confusing method is a little like classifying basketball players as different from each other because they play on different teams, wearing different colored shorts!

The point is that there has never been fundamental changes within each and every ‘family kind’ so as to become a member of a ‘different family kind’.

And that includes us humans. For example; Asian, Caucasian, Negroid, Germanic, et al, are all simply members of human kind’.  All are of the very same genetic pool, not different ‘species’.  Evolutionists designations not withstanding, humans are not, and never have been, part of the ape family kind, or any other family kind of creature.

Recent genome studies are adding more proof of this every day.  Humans and apes are simply unrelated, that is a science fact.**

Therefore please do not be misled by a confusing and completely unsupported theory.  So-called ‘transitional’ human artifacts, namely bits and pieces of bone which likely could be contained in a single travel trunk, and do not even begin to support the idea of millions of years of so called ‘dead ends’ as required by this theory, or its many variations. Evolutionary theories, based on the mythical idea of ‘millions of years’ of mutations has been so frequently revised and re-worked is not even just a single unified theory anymore.

No matter how many millions of year’s are suggested, basic well-proven scientific principals apply, and those principles completely contradict evolution.  It will always remain just a theory no matter how frustrating that is for its advocates.

Frankly, in my view, the main proponents are those who are too proud to accept the obvious… namely; all life on earth, animal and vegetable, is so highly complex and detailed that it simply could not be other than the product of a power and intelligence far beyond our human understanding, well known in most cultures as the ‘Creator‘.

Creation, often described as ‘mother nature’, should not be marginalized by theories which attempt to undermine the glory and beauty of our blue marble planet, and especially not its wise, supremely intelligent Creator.

Nature at its best, click here

Indeed all life on earth, including ‘mankind’, gives abundant evidence of an awesome Creator, the one who made “each one according to its kind” so that everything was “very good”.   (please read Genesis, chapter 1, in the holy Bible).

But if you are still in doubt, please view this very revealing Youtube video.  If your not convinced of ‘divinity’ after seeing what this Mathematician has to say, there is nothing more to be said!

Click here….  From Conception to Birth!

* Species reference link, click here: The Species ‘Problem’

**  International science team concludes;  “During the last decade it was commonly accepted that humans and…. chimpanzees, only differed by 1.24 % in our DNA sequences. This (new) discovery shows that this figure is absolutely incorrect and, what is more, may be ten times higher.” Also; “Humans and primates are qualitatively different.”   (extract from 2009 study), click here for…  2009 science team report

For views of a DNA scientist, visit my post: ‘Evolution vs Intelligent Creation’

Noted quotation: “The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will make you an evolutionist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.” Werner Heisenberg (father of Quantum Mechanics.)