Use your imagination!   Leave a comment

Einstein is famously quoted as saying ‘imagination is greater than intelligence!’ So what really is ‘imagination’ we may ask? A good definition is: ‘the faculty of forming new ideas, images or concepts not present to the senses’.  Space-time was ‘imagined’ by Einstein in ways most of us may not. However should the concept of imagination be considered?

For example, how difficult is it to imagine life on earth is the creation of a vastly superior, although unseen, entity?

(Romans 1:20) puts it this way: “…his invisible qualities are clearly seen’ from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.”

The context shows that those unable or unwilling to recognize by simple observation a Creator of all things are truly ‘inexcusable’, in other words lacking imagination!

Science is defined as ‘truth’, so what does factual science teach us? Indeed real science confirms that all life on earth is unique. That’s not speculation, or theory!

Clearly anyone failing to acknowledge all life on earth, and the earth itself, as a very special creation, must be described as ‘inexcusable’. Especially so as more and more universal discoveries of stars and galaxies via new space telescopes are now being made every day!

However there are, sad to say, those who will stubbornly deny that human, plant, and animal observation is, of itself, sufficient evidence of creation  In reality imagination is lacking in such ones. Ironically those self same persons will describe themselves as informed or enlightened, they are failing to acknowledge the obvious wisdom, and creative power in plain view.

Make no mistake, God himself describes such ones as ‘inexcusable’, because of willful blindness to acknowledge observable truth. Indeed all life has a message for us, from flora and fauna, birds to whales, ants to elephants, and earth’s amazing environmental cycles, to name just a few things;; all teach us about the love and wisdom of a far, far, superior intelligence and unfathomable power of our creator; if we simply exercise humble imagination!

Thanks for visiting; please also see my post: Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained!

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